
The New Capture Base

It's not an office, this is our base

One of this year's strategic goals was to make work even more enjoyable at Capture. Paying attention and taking care of our people has been and still is our top priority. 

Part of this initiative - among other actions - was that we found a new base for our operations, in Vienna. 

We call it a base because we don't want it to be an office. We want it to be something different.

During the hot summer days, we were working on creating a whole new concept for our office in Vienna. We would like to provide not only a pleasant ambient for work but would like to give the team the opportunity to gather after office hours. A perfect place for an “after-work beer” with colleagues or you can invite your friends for a BBQ on the weekend. 

The base is not only for the Viennese team but for everyone within the Capture Group.

Check it out, we think it's amazing!

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Our Offices in Europe

5 offices, 11 countries

Central Europe Austria Capture Consulting und IT Services GmbH. Gusshausstrasse 15/10 Vienna, 1040 +43 1 600 9436
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Central Europe Germany Tricise Gmbh Dornhofstrasse 34 Neu-Isenburg 63263 +49 6102 81 2021
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Central Europe Switzerland Capture (Switzerland) AG Einsiedlerstrasse 21 Schindellegi CH-8834 +41 765 858 708
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Central Europe Hungary Capture IT Solutions and Consulting Plc. Bocskai ut 134-146. E. Budapest 1113 +36 1 240 1946
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Western Europe Spain Tricise SL Plaza legión espanola 10 Valencia 46010 +34 686 486 338
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